Fitness and Recovery

All of my fitness and recovery-related favorites!

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My favorite workout shoe from New Balance. Super comfortable for running or high-impact training.


Resistance bands are a must. These don’t slip and have light, medium, & heavy options.


My go-to wrist ice pack!


Awesome tracking capabilities and very accurate and consistent! The 8-9 day battery life is unbeatable.


Awesome sound & never fall out of my ears during intense workouts.


My go-to ankle ice pack! Soft on the inside and ices all around my foot and ankle.


The BEST shoes for walking, running, or for work if your job requires you to be on your feet all day (like me)! Super cushiony.


Your basic, affordable foam roller! Essential for recovery. I have an 18-inch a 36-inch!


My favorite yoga mat! Beautiful, non-slip, and has lines in the design to use as a guide for body position during yoga poses.


Clearly, I’m very injury prone 🙃 This is my favorite ice pack for my knees.


For the pups!


My Personal Favorites!